The SaaSification of Accounting
01 Apr 2025
Fireside Chat
What would it look like if accounting nad bookkeeping practices were run like a SaaS business?
With more and more PE money pouring into the procession, could "accounting" replace "software" as the billionaire maker of the 2030s?
Indi Tatla, Ryan Pearcy and John Toon use their collecgive 60+ years of experince in the accounting tech and fintech space to sahre what a "SaaSified" accounting firm would look like, how it's run - and what you firm can learn from it.
Key takeaways:
- the key KPIs that hyper-growth tech companeis track
- Understand what your current technology partners really care about
- How fintechs balance easy onboaridng against solid AML and KYC processes